NEGATIVE SPACE #25: Bye bye, Bergman :-(

July 31, 2007


Greedy bastard, that Grim Reaper. As if the Swedish master wasn’t enough, he had to take Antonioni on the same day. If there’d be some pie left, I’d throw it in his pale face…

NEGATIVE SPACE #24: Happy Birthday, Ingmar

July 20, 2007


A big Thank You to David Hudson and Edward Copeland for the inspiration!


Just heard the news today that Ingmar Bergman has passed away.
I´m speechless…

When I was in the process of coloring this cartoon (yeah, it didn´t take too long this time around), I wrote an email to a friend that jokingly referred to Bergman´s impressive age: “I just hope I can finish this bloody cartoon on time,” were my exact words. Honestly though, who could see this coming? Bergman was one of cinema´s greats and he’d been around for so long that I was starting to believe he would never leave us. (In fact, I´d already planned a second cartoon for next year. It would´ve had exactly the same setting, only the Grim Reaper would groan: “Good grief, not pie again…”)

I promise I´ll come up with an appropriate follow-up post soon. Just have a little patience, because I´m currently on vacation in Denmark and I’m not sure when (or if) I’ll be able to upload something from my laptop.

Take care,

I’ve put up a follow-up post here.